Do U want to look GORGEOUS?? | A Sweet Life To Remember


03 August 2012

Do U want to look GORGEOUS??

Hello peeps!! Do U want to look GORGEOUS and SLIM in your Baju Raya???Get your very own Premium Beautiful Corset NOW!!!!so many benefits for your HEALTH and BEAUTY..


Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie 
(Pakaian Dalam Pembentukan Badan)

For Health and Beauty without medication and operation

The Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie consists of 
1. Long Brassierre (Bra Panjang) 
2. Waist Nipper (Bengkung Pinggang) 
3. Long Girdle (Seluar Dalam Panjang)

Advantages of using Premium Beautiful Lingerie
1. The material used to make this lingerie is cut based on the body's three dimensional design using stereoscopic infrared rays for absolute precision and delicacy The lingerie will fit to every inch your body perfectly. 

2. Improve blood circulation and metabolism. Increase fat burning (shaping your body) on the tough areas such as your tummy, thighs, and buttocks and also stimulate detoxification process in your body 

3. Excellent in absorbing sweat and allowing circulation.You will stay comfortable and fresh all day long.

4. Its 360 degree elasticity accommodates the body activity without losing its original shape. You can stretch your body in all directions and you will have no trouble moving and breathing. and it will give you the support that your body needs to remain healthy.

You can wear it to work and during the night. So it is important for you to find the right size. Premium Beautiful Agent will consult you on the right sizing and fitting. The agent will assist during your first time fitting and demonstrate you the right way to wear and wash premium beautiful lingerie.

5. The infrared rays helps to improve the elasticity and firmness of the breasts wile promoting their developmentThis technology helps to shape your breast to be firmer and bigger. It also promotes breastmilk production for breastfeeding moms.

6. Comes with a LIFETIME Warranty We will fix any damage or fabric tear for free. A good investment for your health and beauty indeed

Why should I wear it?
The Corset has actually been around for centuries as a proven method to help shape women's body to be more attractive and sexy. Premium Beautiful corset which includes F.I.R creates a complete synergy which helps to shape the women's body, assists in reducing & maintaining a healthy weight, in addition to improving blood circulation and increase metabolism.

Some testimonials of my Premium Beautiful corset lovers:-
+ Used for post-delivery/confinement replacing traditional Malay"barut"
+ Used for wedding day outfit
+ Used for back-pain & slip disc treatment
+ Helps with cyst/fibroid patients
+ Used by Asthma patients and helps to alleviate asthma attacks
+ Reduce post-delivery stretch marks
+ Increase and improve firmness of the breast & buttocks

What about the price?

Cash Payment:
RM 2000
Credit Card / Installments
RM 2400

Payment can be made by Cash, Credit Card and Installments
(min of RM 100/month) 

A very special gift for this Ramadhan!!

Buy Premium Beautiful Corset by:
Credit Card/Installment : GET PB NATURAL WASH FOC

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