Salam semua..
Hari ni i rajin sikit nak buat review Cloth Diapers (CD). Memandangkan ramai yang tanya jenis apa yg elok, beli kat mana, so i buat review i sendiri ok... Ni pada pendapat i.. Tak tau la orang lain..
Dah almost 3 tahun Amsyar pakai CD ni.. 1st beli masa pregnantkan Amsyar. barang baby ke-2 i beli selepas breast pump..huhuhu.. Masa tu i beli set Lunatots.. ye la time tu famous kan Lunatot ni..
Sekarang dah ada macam-macam brand..dari yang murah hingga la yg kali ni nak review yang mahal je..sebab yg murah dah tak sanggup nak abik picture tunjuk kat korang..huhuhu..
Lepas beli Lunanots, after 3mth i bersalin, dah balik JB, dah start keje (masa tu keje lagi), i ajar my maid pakaikan baby i Lunatots tu. To be honest, i tak berapa suka brand Lunatot. sebab getah kat tepi dia tu cepat sangat loose..Dah beli sikit2 buat tambah stok, bila tak sampai 6 bulan tengok dah loose, so i stop beli lunantots. Dah la mahal.. rm4+.++ kalu tak silap.. No picture sebab almost all Lunatots i dah buang sebab butang tercabut la, loose la..macam-macam..
So masa beli tu pakej yang 5 set. beli 1 set sebulan pon nak buat rolling tu susah sikit we decide beli yang murah je. Apa salahnya mencubakan. So, i pergi dengan hubby i kat fabulousmom cawangan JB kat area Sutera Mall tu. Kat situ ada macam2 jenis cloth diapers. Rambang mata jap..kuikuikui.. tp dah janji dengan hubby i, pilih yang murah je oke...hee.. kat situ ada la pakej buy 10 free 1 kalu tak silap. Rege dia pon dalam RM2+.++ gitu. Baby i time tu baru pandai merangkak, so decide beli yang velcro type. Bole la buat rolling dalam 2 hari termasuk ambik masa sikit untuk cuci & kering.. TAPI..... for big size baby mcm anak i ni, memang tak sesuai pakai brand ni. Kesian kat dia sebab ketat kat paha.. pastu velcro dia cepat sgt tercabut dari CD tu.. koyak..! Dah la koyak, velcro dia tak berapa tahan lor.. Normal la kan for cheap item.. details picture jugak for this brand.. masih ada CD ni kat rumah tapi tak sanggup nak tunjuk kat korang..huhuhu..
Haa...tengok la separuh dari timbunan CD Amsyar yang tgh tunggu i untuk dimasukkan insert.hee...Ni la keje i 2 hari sekali..Memang tak pernah kasi my maid buat sebab takut dia letak insert tak betul, nanti kang salah kan CD pulak kalu bocor..
Disebabkan ketidakpuashatian brand yang dah dibeli ni, so i nekad beli sikit2 CD brand mahal. Sangat worth it oke.. Pampers pakai buang Amsyar pakai Mamypoko. Sebulan kekadang tak habis 1 pack besar tu. Pakai pampers pakai buang hanya nak gi jalan je. Kalu dok rumah memang CD je la.. I dapat sokongan dari my hubby sebab mengurangkan kos dia untuk beli pampers. Waa..banyak ni jimat..dah susu ibu..masuk 2 tahun 2 bulan baru minum susu formula..!
Next brand, Blueberry Deluxe.
Enjoy the wonderful feel of on your little one from birth to potty with our Blueberry One Size Deluxe Pockets. The diaper has two rows of snaps for adjusting the size as your baby grows. An outer layer of laminated minky keeps wetness in, and an inner layer of high quality microfleece keeps baby’s bottom dry.
Why do we LOVE Blueberry Deluxe One Size Diapers ?
- Blueberry One Size Deluxe is known for its high premium quality.
- Adjust the size as your baby grows.
- SUPER soft on your baby skin, the inner Bamboo or fleece is super soft and gentle on baby's skin.
- They're available in both hook & loop closure.
- It's adjustable in both size and absorbency (using different inserts & hemp)
- You can use it on most babies that range from 8-35 lbs with very generous setting (4-16 kgs)
Brand ni i beli thru online je Memang sangat sesuai untuk big size baby. Boleh pakai sampai 16kg..! i suka sgt yang jenis snap sebab dia button dia senang je nak pasang. Since i dah ada pengalaman pakai velcro type, so i prefer snap dari velcro. Pastu design dia pon cantik-cantik. Suka sangat tengok Amsyar pakai. Nampak selesa & bila tak pakai seluar, cute sangat..hee.. Tapi banyak design untuk gegirl la.. Untuk boy tak banyak sangat. Dari segi getah kat tepi tu, so far so good, tapi nampak macam akan cepat loose jugak nanti. cuma tak secepat Lunatots & brand murah tu.
Ni koleksi Blueberry Deluxe Amsyar yang i beli last year. Still in good condition cuma i dah stop beli sebab getah dia macam dah nak loose.ok la sebab dah almost 1 year pakai kan.. Kain dalam pon lembut je.. Rege dia dalam range RM75-RM100.
Brand yang paling i suka ialah Happy Heiny's & Moo Moo Kow. So far i dah try both vercro & snap for Happy Heiny's. Velcro dia sangat tahan lama tapi i lebih prefer snap kot. Lagi nampak kemas je bila Amsyar pakai. Cuma kat tempat insert tu dia tak de kene adjust lepas pakaikan.. Sangat sesuai untuk big size baby. Getah tepi sangat ok. Puas hati sebab jarang bocor melainkan kalau Amsyar banyak kencing. Gambar kat bawah yang jenis Moo tu dah pakai Almost 2 years. I beli masa Amsyar umur 4 mth. getah dia still ok. Rege dia pulak Rm79-Rm85.
The Happy Heiny's One Size Pocket Diaper features custom milled fleece to pull wetness away from your baby's bottom and into the super absorbent insert below - say goodbye to diaper rash.
These diapers have no leg casings, which make for better fitting diapers that contain messes while leaving NO red marks.
The most common question is should the fleece roll out? The answer is YES, do not try to roll the fleece in since it will cause wicking if you try.
They are made to have the fleece roll out so that the only thing that touches your baby is the super soft fleece. Happy Heinys One Size Diaper Wins Prestigious iParenting Award. Click here to read more
Why do we love Happy Heiny's One Size Pocket Diaper ?
- A one-size fits all design, specially build for larger build baby!
- Soft microfleece lining keeps baby feeling dry.
- Breathable polyester waterproof exterior provides a trim fit without sacrificing function.
- Natural gussets to help contain messes at the legs.
- 3 rows of snaps allow you to substantially adjust the rise as your baby grows.
- Soft elastic at legs & waist for a leak-free fit.
- Fits most babies from 4kg to 15kg!
Tempat insert tak ada getah seperti i cakap tadi kan... tengok kat picture atas. Tu perbezaan Happy Heiny's & Moo Moo Kow. Kalau tanya i which 1 is better. For me, Moo moo kow better than Happy Heiny's. Rege dia murah sikit dari Happy Heiny's. Kalau online shop, rege dia Rm73 je. Singapore brand. Moo Moo Kow punya snap lagi better. Ada double button. I LIKE.. Sangat sesuai untuk baby besar & aktif.
Getah tepi Moo Moo Kow yang sangat fabulous.. dah lebih 1 tahun pakai nampak macam baru lagi. tak ada tanda-tanda nak loose.. Tak pernah bocor dengan Moo Moo Kow.
The Moo Moo Kow TM One Size Cloth Diaper (snap) have been a favourite for most mommies.
Why & what makes these diapers so great!?
- ONE SIZE from Birth to Potty Training, tested to fits baby from about 3kg to 18kg.
- Four size adjustments to fit your baby best – Small, Medium Short, Medium & Large.
- The soft elastic gathers are incredible at containing leaks while being so gentle on baby’s tender skin.
- The soft inner suede cloth keeps that keeps the baby’s skin dry.
- The durable waterproof breathable fabric is soft and stretchy.
Material :
- 100% Polyester (outer) / Suede Cloth (Inner)
So far memang i suka Moo Moo Kow. Sangat worth dengan harga. Tahan lama. Untuk second baby ni dah masuk dalam list nak beli pakej untuk Moo Moo kow. So si adik & abg, both pakai CD Moo Moo Kow. Tapi kat Malaysia ni tak brp familiar dengan Moo Moo Kow berbanding Grovia (i tak buat review) & brand lain tu. So agak sukar nak perolehi di sini dengan harga murah (SALE). Nak beli kene bijak...!!