Kelantannnn.... | A Sweet Life To Remember


15 May 2012


People, I'm now in kelantan!!..People in all area "Kota Bharu, Pengkalan Chepa, Pasir Puteh, Pasir Mas, Tanah Merah, Rantau Panjang & ect..", don't miss to book appointment with me NOW!!Be part of B32 team "PURPLE GROUP" in kelantan!!!weeehuuuu...

I will share everything with u guys about this business..How this business can go far, can generate income 4,5 figure every month~!!up and up till 6 figure like my leader 
CDM Ana...In just only 2 years we do this business we can chance our life turn around 360 *!!trust me guys...!!!

This business is sooo EASY, becoz we 
"Just follow da step & follow da leader"..!!We do by group, by teamwork..if we work alone, we can't go far...We will show u step by step to achieve ur dream!!

So many kinds of people nowadays, have many many problem with finance..I can list down one by one da compulsory things that we need to support everyday, every month~!!

* Barang Dapur
* Minyak kereta
* Duit anak ke sekolah
* Yuran sekolah
* Bil elektrik / Air / Astro
* kad kredit
* Pinjaman kerajaan / swasta
* Bayar kereta / rumah

.......................... and many2 things..People, adakah kita salah seorang dalam kerunsingan masalah kewangan??Ask yourself!!! sampai bila kita nak jadi macam ni??Hari2 pergi kerja dari pagi- ptg - mlm..At the end of month, boleh kira dgn jari tinggal 3 angka je..simpanan boleh buat x????

(arrgghhh!!really x pernah cukop!!!argghhh)

Macam mana nk buat simpanan untuk anak2 masuk belajar universiti?? PTPTN pun sekarang have many of da problem PTPTN mintak bantuan dgn KWSP..Diaorg pun decline..anak kita macam mana nnti?? nak bagi pinjaman dkt org ramai pun dh susah sekarang ni..Nak terus kerja ke lepas habis SPM?? Diaorg pun ade impian, start from now we need to change our life!!tepuk dada tanya hati..sampai bila..sampai bila..

So, start thinking!!!Adakah kita bekerja sehari2 semata2 untuk bebaskan diri dari hutang??@ kita bekerja kerana keseronokkan??urmmm..
ask yourself!! If we not chance our self who else???"Be from no body to be some body"

I really enjoyed, happy with my life now!!no need to rush everyday to punch card at office in early work, its depend on me!! Tengah2 bulan senyum lebar bila tgk income masuk 4-5 figure every month!! achieve, and achieve more..F.O.C travel to oversea..wahhh,best kan??

So guys, lapang2kan masa to book appointment with me..I will show u step by step da way to bring u with da financial freedom..

(Pilihan di tangan anda!!)

Lets have a chat & coffee with me...London - Paris are waiting for u guys...lets fight it together..
GO GO PARIS!! Yippiiii....




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